Lanark Tennis Club have a Court Booking System of which is run via ClubSpark.
Although all members are welcome to turn up and play at anytime during the court open times, bookings that are made on the booking system supersede any other arrangements out with this system.
Court bookings are free (except bookings requiring floodlights where a small charge of £1 per hour applies and is payable at time of booking).
Guest Policy
Play at Lanark Tennis Club is for members only.
However, up to 5 guests per year can be invited by members at a fee of £3.00 per hour/guest.
Lanark Tennis Club is run by volunteers and there are no permanent staff on site at the club, therefore we ask our members to be respectful of the guest policy to ensure fair play for all.
Guests must be added at the time of booking your court, and this can be done on the website or via the ClubSpark Booker App. Instructions on doing this via the App can be found at the link below:
For recording participants from more than 2 households.
Court booking
On joining the club, you will receive an email from Lanark Tennis Club (ClubSpark Booker) with details of how to register for ClubSpark, thus giving you access to the court booking system and many other events that the club runs. On the email, there will be a link that directs you to ClubSpark Booker where you must register yourself as a member of Lanark Tennis Club. For junior or family members, it is only the guardian or lead registered family member from the membership application form that can register.
Once you are registered with ClubSpark Booker, you will then be able to book courts.
You may still continue to turn up and play without booking, however, members who have booked a court will have priority over members who have not booked. Booking a court is free. You can either book a court online at or by downloading the ClubSpark Booker App (see links below).
The maximum booking slot is 2 hours.
Courts can be booked up to 7 days in advance.
We ask that you cancel your booking should you no longer require it.
Should you NOT receive The ClubSpark Booker email, this means that your email details are not correct within the tennis club membership system and you must notify us so we may update it.
If your email address or contact details change at any point, please notify us by email.
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at