2025/26 Memberships
Now Available

The memberships for 2025/26 are available.
By joining us now, your membership will last up to and including 31st March 2026.

Parents & Children £220 (Family membership: 2 parents/guardians & up to 4 Children - under 18 & residing at the same address)

Adult £130 (age 18 and over)

Junior £85 (age 17 & under)

Student £85 (on the presentation of a valid matriculation card)

Parent(s) and Children - Family Membership

  • Our ‘Family Membership’ package is designed for family households with up to 2 parents/guardians and up to 4 children. All must be residing the same address. We understand that there are of course circumstances with shared guardianship where children may not be living at the same address as the ‘main contact member’ and the committee will be very happy to guide you on this - please do not hesitate to contact us at; lanarktennisclub@gmail.com with any queries to guide you to the most appropriate package.

After Joining

  • Becoming a member
    You will be given the padlock code to access the courts and have the use of the Clubhouse (observing the Clubhouse rules).
    Courts can be booked free of any additional charge* through the ClubSpark Booker app or the ClubSpark website.
    You can join the What’s App Group for ad-hoc or social tennis.

  • Is there a fee to book a court and play?
    Booking a court and playing at Lanark Tennis Club is included in your membership. Both courts benefit from LED floodlights of which are operated by a switch on the outside of the clubhouse. (Please remember to switch the floddlights off if you are last to leave the court.
    *A small floodlight fee is charged on winter evenings which is processed at court booking.

  • ClubSpark
    Lanark Tennis Club is run by a committee of volunteers. The ClubSpark digital platform is used for coaching bookings, membership payments and club contact with the members. You can use it online, or download the app and manage your bookings through your phone.

  • Court Access
    Members have access to the courts 8am - 10pm outwith pre-arranged sessions eg. coaching, home fixtures etc.

Annual Membership includes

  • The opportunity to join one of the West of Scotland League Teams.

  • Subsidised group coaching (pay as you go for non-members).

  • Tournaments mid and end of season for juniors and adults.

  • Social and recreational tennis for fun single and doubles tennis.

Please read the information below before completing the application form.

As mentioned, Lanark Tennis Club works with ClubSpark to manage all memberships within the Tennis Club including; access to court booking, open days and events and coaching.

ClubSpark is FREE to join and all of our members are required to register.

On arriving on the ClubSpark page, please select the membership package that you are applying for, this must match the selection made below. Once you have made your selection you will be directed to the log-in page, where you will then be required to either log-in, or if you are a new user, register. 

Once your membership registration and payment is completed, you will be given the passcode for the padlock on April 1st. This will be provided in your Welcome Email along with Club Rules.

New Memberships
Your membership information and padlock code will be emailed from lanarktennisclub@gmail.com

Your contact details will not be used for any other purpose or sold for marketing purposes.

Should you wish to find out more about ClubSpark's privacy policy, please visit: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/PrivacyPolicy/